Apr 28, 2016

Radical and Alternative Pedagogies Discussion, Meeting - Saturday, April 30 in Hollywood

Hello friends,

We are gathering again on Saturday April 30th, from 1-4pm at the home of another group member, (contact info. upon request). Please note that the meeting will start on time, as we have a guest speaker:

Artist Lisa Adams will share about her experience with alternative and radical education, specifically with alternative school the Santa Monica College of Design, Art and Architecture, at which she taught for nine years. (*1989 LA Times article on the SMCDAA and its ultimate birth, the following year.)

Lisa Adams in her studio

We will also discuss potential structures and methods of engagement for an upcoming tabling session at 18th Street Arts Center, and gather further research on alternative educational models to contact and invite to work with us.

Please RSVP (ahuehuete at sbcglobal dot net), so that we can plan for snacks and seats.
And please bring food or drink to share--potluck style, as usual.

We typically have good potluck offerings

(**Public Transit is highly recommended--parking can be a challenge in this area: 10-minute walk from Hollywood/Highland Red Line Metro Station)

Hope to see you on the 30th!
-Warm regards

From Saturday, 4.16.16, "How Can Black Mountain College Matter to Schools Today? An Arts & Education Roundtable Discussion"

Our group was fortunate to have been invited this past April 16 to a roundtable discussion at the Bard Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program, located adjacent to MacArthur Park.

Two of our members--Janet and Rojelio--sat on a panel, where the impact of the Black Mountain College (current exhibit at Hammer Museum) and all its related humans were considered as a fulcrum for conversation and questions, including the state of arts and education today from perspectives inside and out (sometimes both simultaneously) of institutional models, their impact, their goals, etc.

Much thanks go to Bard College MAT Literature and Education faculty member, Adrienne Walser, those that helped organize this event, and to the fellow panelists.