Feb 29, 2016

The day after 02.28.2016 - AKA Leap Day, 2016 and more! (Take 2)

Hello humyns

Theatre of The Oppressed exercise @ Feb28 event

This event produced much documentation that we want to share with all those interested in following or joining our multifaceted work as best as possible. A good way to do that is, likely ("likely" because our online presence is an evolving project), to follow our private blog. But, it requires an invite so, contact me or another organizer if you'd like to check that out. Obviously, if you're already seeing this on the blog, that's moot.

Some key points:

-The day's photographs are posted on this Album on Flickr
-If you have videos and or photos you'd like to share, feel free to post them here (ie., on this blog), please!
-The day's event was broadcast live on Periscope. Sadly, being new to the medium, I wasn't sure if I could still share videos after their 24hr expiration policy. So, there was a link but, until I find a way to share them again, in the future I'm likely to use uStream or something like that where I can have a copy sent to the cloud automatically that can be shared and edited. If anyone has experience with similar services, your feedback is much welcome in the comments. Really hope I can share them again--recorded most of the event. :(
-There is still more to share and post about Sunday's event (2.28)--documentation or otherwise--so, look forward to that, please
-Lastly, we scheduled a small conversation for late March, so contact us, or follow the blog to learn more.

Thank you very much to all who were able to make it out to Chinatown and, I look forward to seeing newer and not so newer faces in the future.


Feb 25, 2016

02.28.2016 @ The Public School, LA

Radical and Alternative Pedagogies Discussion (02.28.2016 @ The Public School)

Join an ongoing discussion and research project that began with the question “Do artists need art school?”

Since October 2015, a group has met regularly to feel and think our way around alternative pedagogies, and research contemporary and historical models for community-based education. (Including the PLM’s La Escuela Rationalista and La Casa del Obrero Internacional, both of which operated a century ago close by the Public School location).

With a mid-term goal of hosting a ‘tabling day’ for the many rad ped/alt ped groups and orgs that SoCal holds, we’re currently in process of compiling information on local contemporary alternative practices.

Bring your thoughts to the conversation, and ideas for projects to include.
Sunday February 28th at 2 PM - 4 PM

rsvp @ the Facebook event page

and @ The Public School website

Here are a few links from our past discussions:

The Future - Art Degree Optional, by Janet Owen Driggs, Nancy Popp 
Will Art School Adjuncts Organize? by Janet Owen Driggs and Robby Herbst
Dismantling Art School, by Nancy Popp
The Neoliberal Arts, by William Deresewicz
Speculative Capitalism by Matias Viegener
Ultra-Red Workbook No. 5: Protocols for a School of Echoes
How One of America's Last Free Colleges Screwed it's Students and Betrayed it's Legacy, by Felix Salmon
How is the Artist or Writer to Function (Survive and Produce) in the Community, Outside of Institutions? by Sesshu Foster

Image: La Casa del Obrero Internacional, home of La Escuela Rationalista, 809 Yale St. 1913-1914

*(PLM) - Partido Liberal Mexicano