Mar 28, 2016

03.26.16 Debrief

Hello all....thanks for those who made the trek on Saturday!
We had a very productive meeting.

A few things to share:

- We voted to participate in an event in [July on the west side of LA].
  Please contact us if you are interested in participating in planning for that event; we are submitting a finalized proposal in the next 2-3 weeks.

- We now have a [live] public blog detailing our work, and will be updating and refining it [as time goes on]!

Our blog's old background image (aka LA County "Red Sandstone" Courthouse)

- We will be trying out Slack as an internal communications and organizing tool (thanks Sue!).
Contact us if you want to be included on any working groups!

Our next meeting is tentatively scheduled on April 30th at [a collaborator's] home in Hollywood.
Please mark your calendars and plan to join us.

See you all soon!
-Jan & Nancy

*[slight edits= fp, ca. 03.28-10pm]

Mar 17, 2016

Meeting on Westside in late March

Hello friends,

Thank you for supporting our recent Public School conversation on Feb 28th!
Feb28 @ Public School, Los Angeles
We drew over 20 new folks to our discussion, and hope to see some of them at our next meeting.

We are planning to gather to continue the conversation on an afternoon near the end of March, at the home of one of our members, Rojelio.  Please contact/email any of us for the address and contact info.  Please bring food or drink to share.

We will be reflecting on the Public School gathering, discussing an invitation for an upcoming tabling session at 18th Street Arts Center, and gathering further research on alternative educational models to contact and invite to work with us.  If you would like participate in a group meeting to plan this upcoming gathering, please get involved and join us!

And please RSVP, so Rojelio, Janet and I can plan for snacks and seats.

See you this March!

All best,
Jan & Nancy (and Ro)